1. This week, we are giving away more than 50 Lifestraws--the hottest lifesaving water filter on the market. We are awarding them via two avenues:
a. Watch and like our Facebook page (liking our Facebook page will ALSO get you into our monthly drawing for a free case of Mountain House food (value to $400!): https://www.facebook.com/Safecastle
To get in the daily Lifestraw drawing on Facebook, simply go to our Facebook page, find the current day's drawing thread, and post a link in that thread to a favorite Safecastle product listing. Then come back daily to find out if you are a winner and to re-enter the next day's drawing.
b. We are also posting a Lifestraw giveaway thread in our SurvivalistBoards forum every day for another way to get your hands on one.
2. The first in our planned series of prepper polls is out and I want to encourage you to participate--"Your Prepper Posture - June 2012". It takes but a few minutes.
You can also see results at any time here.
Thank you for your business.
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