I'm talking about how we choose to view the world and our surroundings.
There is a stereotype out there for folks who store away food and supplies in order to be prepared in case our days turn dark. That is, those "hoarders" or "survivalists" are kooks who become so obsessed with society's pending demise that they actually have started to hope for it to happen, and in the most extreme cases they criminally take destructive action to help that process along.
As with most stereotypes, there is some basis in truth for it. I hate to say it, but sure, there are folks who, once they begin to store away supplies for a rainy day, find themselves drawn too deeply into it and some do start to exhibit almost cartoonish behaviors that give rise to that broad image problem that taints the rest of us.
Any pursuit, or hobby if you will, can eventually become an unhealthy obsession for a small number of those who are involved. In preparedness circles, it might show itself in a number of ways, but it could manifest itself in ways such as withdrawal from family and friends, putting too much money and time into preparing, watching global events and consuming news stories in such a fashion as to filter out everything but the bad news or the distorted perspectives that will somehow support their view that the world is about to fall apart. In essence, those who take it too far lock-in on the "pending doom" and they fail to recognize most anything else as being important.
It happens. But it doesn't have to, and most who choose to practice prudent preparedness techniques continue to do so all their days, quietly, in moderation, and with a solid balanced approach that appreciates all areas of daily life. As I've posted before here, it's all just common sense.
My Own Temptation
I fancy myself a pretty decent judge of sociological and geopolitical trends and developments. There are occasionally times when I look at what is happening in the world and I recognize that there is some new potential for things to go very bad.
What helps me get through any times when I'm tempted to zero-in on what will surely be the big one, is to stop taking myself so seriously. I need only recall my most recent false alarm, whatever that might have been, and have a good chuckle. After all, as great as I am in the analytical department ;-) , none of my worst-case expectations have ever come to pass. Maybe that says something insightful about how deep and frightful my spectrum of potentialities run, but regardless, the most obvious lesson I take to heart is that we as people, and as cultures and as nations today are resilient and innovative in our abilities to overcome even the biggest hurdles that crop up. The clocks and calendars continue to plod along and we continue to get through the tough times (in large part due to someone's preparedness planning, no doubt).
Does that mean our future is as bright as it can be? I can't go that far. After all, I'm a "prepper" and I continue to recognize the need to stay ready for any eventuality. Uncertainties continue to rule our existence. But I'm not a "doomer" and to my way of thinking, that's an important distinction.
Wow, what an eyeopener. One of the first times i have seen how even over prepping can be bad for you. You hit the nail right on the head with it most be done in moderation. Great read and i am glad to have one more sourse for information with out a ton of random B.S. Thank you
For those of a Biblical bent, Old and New Testaments both have stories and admonitions of being prepared to take care of your family. Wise is the head of a family who heeds those words...
As Outlands said, both Judaism and Christianity include admonitions that strongly favor being prepared for obvious problems. And since chance does indeed favor the prepared mind, knowing you're able to deal with at least SOME crises allows a more calm and rational approach to those crises AND anything less disastrous than them.
Our grandparents and great grandparents were all "prepared" for living for an extended period of time without having to run to the "grocery store." Me? I buy items in bulk when they are on sale and consider the many, many dollars that I saved by not having to pay full price for those items when needed. I also really like having my "storage" during these days when prices keep climbing. I don't consider myself a doomer...but I do know that I have a great peace in my mind and heart that if the times did get bad, we can weather them for awhile without needing a grocery store for everything. Besides, God tells us stories in the Bible that He instructs his people to put away grain and foods during the good times for the upcoming drought years. If God says it, it's good enough for me!!
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