Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna, and Ike pounded and inundated the south and southeast--with hundreds of casualties, and billions in damages.
In the wake of those storms, a megastorm of a different level of lethality comes swirling through--the threatened meltdown of the global economy--the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, they say.
And ... we can't lose sight of the ongoing or re-emerging issues with Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea, and Al Qaeda that keep generating all their own dastardly headlines.
As if we need another little bump in our coffee, this is all happening in the midst of a presidential campaign that promises to be one of the most contentious in our history.
No Whining, Crying, or Panic
Has there ever been a better time to check and re-check your preps? How much would it take right now to pull down this whole teetering mess and force Americans to find out the hard way how resourceful and committed to each other we can be? (Or would that be committed to "what's mine"?)
Yes, Virginia, this IS the time to be serious about your preparedness planning.
It's NOT the time to be panicking, locking up with worry, or freezing in the spectacle of the growing headlights of the oncoming tractor trailer loaded with trouble.
One of our favorite slogans at Safecastle reads: "Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves." That means, take responsibility.
Right now, it should be enough to know that things are getting kind of dicey out there in the world. This is no longer a case of imagining what MIGHT happen IF "such and such" was to happen. Fact is, it may just be that a whole lot of "suches" are damming up in the doorway right now, needing just the right jolt to come surging through your livingroom.
So what are you doing about it? Watching it unfold in living color? ... or worse yet, maybe blogging about it? ;-)
How about instead getting that last big project done that you know you really want completed before things get turned upside down? Or topping off the supplies while you can. Can you think of a better time to do it?
Personally, I think it's time.
Stay safe.
Get Ready ... Seriously - http://www.safecastleroyal.com/
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