A prepper without protein is jerkey on a stick.
Safecastle has 30 great options for you--the best prices out there, free shipping all the time, and a 5% member points program.
Note that some of these canned meats are now actually cheaper than what you pay in the grocery, per ounce (check the Yoders bacon for example).
Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, MRE's, Freeze Dried Food, Water Storage, Dehydrated Food, Survival tips
Monday, August 31, 2015
Need long-term canned meat?
canned food,
canned meat,
chicken patties,
emergency food,
freeze dried food,
long term food,
meat prices,
mountain house,
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Win $20 gift certificates for your best original Apocalimericks during Preparedness Month!
September 2015 is not only Preparedness month, but it is said it's going to be a barn-burner, so to speak. Let's make sure we have a little fun as the heat starts to get turned up, shall we?
It's been a couple of years or more since we last did this, so maybe we can wring out some fresh verse. (See the winners from 2013 farther below on the linked page.)
We're going to award a $20 Safecastle gift certificate to the author of every original Apocalimerick we post to our store site. Be creative, keep it reasonably clean, and make sure it's about prepping or zombies or existential crises, etc. We'll commit to awarding at least one gift certificate a week through September (don't make us regret that). Hopefully we'll find more than one submission a week worthy of one of these coveted awards.
Our selections will be based solely on what makes us here at Safecastle laugh. One entry per week per person (Sunday thru Saturday. Note that Sept. 5 is the first week's deadline; Sept. 26 is the last week's deadline). Two gift certificates per winner thru the contest period is our limit.
Check our page for past winners and more info: http://www.safecastle.com/apocalimericks.aspx
NOTE: Submissions must be original. That means if you post it somewhere before the contest is over and we do a search and find it, it won't be considered for a prize and publication on our winners page.
It's been a couple of years or more since we last did this, so maybe we can wring out some fresh verse. (See the winners from 2013 farther below on the linked page.)
We're going to award a $20 Safecastle gift certificate to the author of every original Apocalimerick we post to our store site. Be creative, keep it reasonably clean, and make sure it's about prepping or zombies or existential crises, etc. We'll commit to awarding at least one gift certificate a week through September (don't make us regret that). Hopefully we'll find more than one submission a week worthy of one of these coveted awards.
Our selections will be based solely on what makes us here at Safecastle laugh. One entry per week per person (Sunday thru Saturday. Note that Sept. 5 is the first week's deadline; Sept. 26 is the last week's deadline). Two gift certificates per winner thru the contest period is our limit.
Check our page for past winners and more info: http://www.safecastle.com/apocalimericks.aspx
NOTE: Submissions must be original. That means if you post it somewhere before the contest is over and we do a search and find it, it won't be considered for a prize and publication on our winners page.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Storage Food Flying Off the Shelves: Yoders, Future Essentials, Mountain House ON SALE!
With the extreme demand for premium long-term storage food such as it is, we have to call in some favors to get special deals right now with most of our suppliers. (Some customers have asked why the great deal on MH food during this time of unprecedented demand. Well, the offer for special discounts to dealers was made several weeks ago before MH management realized what was coming. Their loss, your gain.)
So today, after sharpening our pencil and twisting an arm or two, we can make these offers:
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Confusion? -- Safecastle prices vs. others'

I just got this email from a customer who purchased a lifetime buyers club membership. He was irate after totally misreading how our listings are laid out and thought our prices were not what he expected. I figure if he misread them then maybe others are misreading them also.
So, to perhaps help point out where things actually stand, here is that little email dialog. It is actually pretty telling about the bargains we offer our members ...
New Safecastle club member:
"Yeah, so I took the bait....
"I purchased the lifetime membership for $49 and started shopping. But before I put things in the cart, I thought I'd best compare.
"MH Diced Beef on sale for $419, works out to $69 per can "on sale" with the little fire logo. When I did a quick search, I found The Ready Store has it for $55, and Emergency Essentials has it for $50. A $19 /can difference.
"Your EverSafe MREs 12 pack case is $110, but Amazon has it for $74, and Charlie Surplus for $85. $25 - $36 savings over your sale price? Shipping can't be $25.
"MH Green Beans, #10 can comes to $24 on sale. The Ready Store is $20 and Nitro-Pak is $19.
"I'm confused. If you are running a big sale, how is it that 3 random products are so far overpriced beyond normal competition that it isn't even close?
"Emergency Essentials ships for $12 total on orders over $120. That's easy to do, so shipping free in comparison doesn't seem to be a selling point. Ready Made Resources uses actual shipping, but the base prices are good. And Nitro-Pak is free over $249, again, another easy figure to reach when stocking up.
"Am I missing something here? Are there additional savings I'm not seeing? I'm very close to asking for a membership refund. Give me something to grab on to, here..."
Vic, Safecastle founder:
"Randy--it looks like you are misreading our listings ...
"First off--everything always ships free.
"MH Diced Beef, case of 6 cans=$272.96 (the $419.94 price is the MSRP) We don't sell single cans but breaking it down for you, it comes out to $45.49, shipping included. Not only that, our members are enjoying this year's points program that essentially is worth 5% back on all purchases.
"MH Green Beans case=$97.46 ... broken down to $16.24 per can, shipped.
"Eversafe MREs case, $71 shipped.
"Looks like we soundly beat every example you listed, but we do guarantee low prices on MH food anytime. If you happen to find a price lower out there, we'll beat it and you'll still be able to apply that purchase to the point program. ;-) "
* NOTE: I can't spend a lot of time searching out other sellers' prices and I'm sure that there are a few lower prices on some things that can be found somewhere from time to time. We're not Wal-mart, we are a very small business that tries to give our customers and members the best deal we can swing.
I just thought I'd share this little dialog. I don't intend to spend more time looking at prices and responding here ... we are absolutely swamped with orders. I had to do so with this customer obviously, and as long as I did, thought someone else might find it useful here in understanding how our listings should read.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Mountain House Running Out of Stock - Situation has signs of "exploding" the prepper world
Just got the word from Mountain House ... and I was wondering if this was going to manifest, so I am not surprised. They are quickly running out of stock of several of their food varieties due to a sudden surge in demand.
This is a huge heads up ... it's a bit of a long, involved backstory that I won't go into detail about here, but as a reminder--some of you might recall the situation several years ago when MH had backorders stretching out 6 months, and customers were pleased just to get on the list.
That situation had far reaching ramifications in the prepper world for virtually anyone even remotely connected. It even led to the WalMarts and Costcos getting into the preparedness market niche, and the birth of several storage food companies.
I know ... we were right in the middle of all of it and it changed a good many things about how we do business.
That's what this today is fast beginning to smell like.
MH greatly expanded their production capacity since that time, and they were already the leading prep-food company in the world before that little crisis after Hurricane Katrina. They thought they were in position to deal with any similar situation that would again come around. Looks like they are going to find out the hard way if that is the case.
I'm betting that they may do a little better this time, but for the near term, we're about to see a situation where it is going to be increasingly difficult to lay hands on any type of storage food out there--especially Mountain House.
So consider yourself warned--this may very well be a last call to lay in your favorite foods before your backorder wait starts being measured in months.
(As luck would have it--we ARE in the midst of one of our biggest MH sales ever. Those huge discounts are not changing at this time.)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Preppers Shipping Advisory ... Want it by September 10?
We've been asked, and we fully understand the concern many might be having at this point ...
September of this year is full of question marks and red letter dates for preppers. It seems most of those dates occur after about Sept. 10.
So if you are looking for your Safecastle order to arrive by about September 10--please try to place your order by the end of August. That gives us and our suppliers and the shippers adequate time to process your order.
(There are exceptions--such as SurvivalCave meats, which sometimes require up to two weeks to deliver.)
Bottom line: we're fully on-board with the sense of urgency--please place your orders as early as possible. This month is already hugely busy and if it gets any more so as we get closer to September, supply inventories can be affected.
September of this year is full of question marks and red letter dates for preppers. It seems most of those dates occur after about Sept. 10.
So if you are looking for your Safecastle order to arrive by about September 10--please try to place your order by the end of August. That gives us and our suppliers and the shippers adequate time to process your order.
(There are exceptions--such as SurvivalCave meats, which sometimes require up to two weeks to deliver.)
Bottom line: we're fully on-board with the sense of urgency--please place your orders as early as possible. This month is already hugely busy and if it gets any more so as we get closer to September, supply inventories can be affected.
Berkeys are back in stock!
If you're on our email list--Check your email for an Email-only discount coupon code
It isn't easy getting adequate stock of a variety of the renowned Berkey water filters. We haven't had them for some time. But today, we are able to provide you with the best-ever opportunity to get the Berkey you want at the lowest price anywhere!
Don't delay--get your Berkey today!
It isn't easy getting adequate stock of a variety of the renowned Berkey water filters. We haven't had them for some time. But today, we are able to provide you with the best-ever opportunity to get the Berkey you want at the lowest price anywhere!
Don't delay--get your Berkey today!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
32%-off the SUN OVEN Dehydrating & Preparedness Package!
Everything you need for cooking and food dehydrating using just the power of the sun!
This is a killer deal. Buyers club members be sure to login for your best price.
Sunday, August 09, 2015
Political Firestorm Season is Upon Us ... bunker down, top off the preps
Unless you're already in your bunker ignoring the noise of the approaching 2016 election season, you are likely experiencing the reemergence of that pounding headache that comes around every four years.
Combined with the concern shared by so many about what may be coming economically and otherwise next month and beyond, we think climbing down into the bunker is a pretty good idea right about now.
Of course that reminds us that we can't screw down the hatches until all the supplies are topped off. Water, food, shelter, fire, sanitation -- check ... Note to self: security, teambuilding, training -- always more to do there.
Safecastle is here to help with many of these needs--it's our reason for being. If you're feeling the tension like we are--make sure you comb thru our store today and get what still needs to be procured. Politics may not directly kill you, but in the end, it's probably what's going to hurt everyone most in the end.
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Best Prices on LifeStraws!
Indefinite Shelf life!
These are too good, too easy, too affordable to not have on hand. Clean water is numero uno in terms of survival priorities, and Lifestraws are now the go-to solution around the globe.
Sunday, August 02, 2015
SurvivalCave Canned Meats ON SALE: Brand w/ Highest Customer Ratings!
Best Customer Rated Canned Meats--Indefinite Shelf life!
For a short time only ... big discounts on the canned wet-pack meats with the highest customer ratings! Chicken, beef, pork, turkey, and ground beef. Shipped fresh from the manufacturer in 3-10 days (based on current demand)--free to the lower 48 states.
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