The Baddest, Most-Together Prepper in Multiple Zip Codes
by Strap-in Tite
You know who you are, and yep--so do your closest confidants. Though your own mother, maybe the hubby or wife, and certainly the neighbors are totally clueless about this little buried and camoflauged character flaw you try to keep fed and satisfied (probably in the wee, dark hours of the night).
No--it's not just about being a prepper. Face it--preparedness has gone mainstream today ... it's trendy in fact. So that so-called secret is not so crucial anymore, is it?
Shhh ... we're talking about being (look both ways, lower your voice ...) an extreme prepper ... a hoarder of the 7th degree ... the one who has that deep inner need to have the mostest, the bestest, and the newest gear and supplies in the neighborhood ... nay, the entire 4-county region. Not that many folks know it, but YOU know it. It's what matters most ... that when the dreaded day of doom arrives--you'll be the one at the top of the heap of smoldering ruins, kicked back and enjoying your comfortable numbness while Pink Floyd is playing on your solar-powered amplified MP3 player.
It all comes out of the black-box expense account in the family budget ... the records and receipts kept in the password-protected folder in the gun safe that only you hold the key to. You're doing it all for the good of the family--maybe even for the good of the whole darned neighborhood if the PTB can hold it all together long enough. So it's all OK--no, really. After all, survival does not come cheap in the 21st century.
Your closest collaborators seem to think your ego and prepper ambitions are so elevated that you generate your own weather fronts. But what do they know, really?
Hey, your most closely guarded knowledge ... or seemingly so, since all too many of those other new-to-the-game players are trying to get it done on the cheap, is that you really do get what you pay for and you need consider that if you are going to come on the winning end of things--especially when you are talking about gear and supplies that are intended to save lives after perhaps spending many years on the shelf. Pretty basic, no?
Yet there are those out there spending good dough on cheap foods that are unproven and that are clearly often downright misrepresented. And those facts really aren't hidden away ... it's common sense and it's all pretty well documented out there online and in industry publications. You know the brands that are suspect ... there's more than a few that have appeared out of nowhere in the last couple of years--aiming to take advantage of the growing market for the neophyte preppers who don't know any better.
You do your part though ... you not only store primarily Mountain House freeze-dried foods, but you tell anyone who asks--spend a few extra bucks for that ultimate MH survival grub, or wait to take advantage of the big periodic sales on the MH food. Do it all at once or do it systematically a little at a time. But spend the money on the best emergency storage food in the world--the food that the big-shots rely on, the food that lasts 30 years and more in #10 cans, the stuff that's easy to rehydrate and is absolutely delicious and nutritious ... the types of entrees Americans are used to enjoying today in their daily diets. It's no-brainer stuff that in the end lets you sleep well at night.
Hey--most folks understand and follow the rationale for spending a few extra bucks on the best weapons, ammo, recognized and reputably minted gold and silver coins, cold-weather gear, vehicles, and on and on. But they seem to think that a year's supply of food for a family of four should cost around $1000 or so. LOL Well, maybe so, if rice or pinto beans by the pallet-load are what's for dinner, lunch, and breakfast.
You stock Mountain House and a few other carefully chosen foods and you do it knowing full well that it's going to be there for you when you need it. And when you do need it, mealtime is going to be a highlight of your day.
It feels pretty darn good being the sharpest, best-situated prepper around these parts, doesn't it?
A note about "Strap-in Tite": This guy is close and well-known to us here at Safecastle. He's a kitty-cat when he's in the groove and we feel blessed to have him here in our midst after he kind of wandered in to our buyers club and never left. But at the same time, there are days when we feel like we have to keep him leashed to keep him from going a little overboard. He's our own little Kraken and God help anyone who gets in between him and his preps.
This post is copyrighted by Safecastle LLC and if reposted, must be done so in its entirety, including attribution, intro, postscript, and a link back to this page.
1 comment:
Howdy, there's more to food security than freeze dried foods. Yes their good, and properly stored last 15-20 years are better. Don't get me wrong, I love mountain house since I was a young, skinny, backpacking kid, but, a lot of folks have ALL their food stores for teotwawki. In that situation once you start using those foods they're gone forever and wil not be replaced. Folks do not plan or train on how to grow food for themselves. They also don't learn how to preserve it and safely store it. Let an emp or cme hit the US and it will take years, if ever for those foods to reappear. That means at the end of your one year food supply you die. At the very least you need to have a supply of survival seeds, of plants that you eat, so you can at least try and grow your own. Learn how to raise small animals for meat. Just like shooting its a skill that must be learned and practiced. Just throwing seeds on the ground probably won't work.
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