Our first couple of offers should come as no surprise to you--they involve our ever-popular Mountain House freeze-dried foods ...
1. For many years, we were known for offering a three-case MH can package that included 18 different varieties. Today, we're making available a limited number of those 18-can kits again. But in these kits you are getting a free can of the new MH diced apples AND you are getting a free MH Best Sellers kit for your emergency bag or your car trunk. This is a rare and unique offer and I fear these available packages will go very quickly.
2. I just mentioned the new MH diced apples. We made a special purchase to get them here--they are available only for a limited time. We now have them in stock and we want to get them into your hands. We are not limited on these apples by the standard MH dealer pricing rules, so we are going to give them to you for free. That's right--a free full case of MH diced apples OR a free case of diced apples with cinnamon (your choice) with any three--case purchase of MH canned foods listed in our store. (Only full, non-variety cases qualify for this offer.)
Some things to note--this time around, our available MH inventory is very limited. Anything listed today is available and ready to ship to you from our warehouse, including the free apples and the free MH Best Sellers kits. So make your choices promptly and you will get your best selection--while supplies last.
Safecastle LLC is a leading crisis preparedness provider. Emergency storage food such as Mountain House freeze dried foods, Safecastle steel-plate shelters and saferooms, and other unique survival gear solutions are available at www.safecastle.com
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