Acknowledging that circumstances must ultimately dictate our response to a pending disaster or crisis, we ask this general question. Most, if not all who are involved in preparedness have in mind a "fight or flight," bugout or hunker down, Plan A or Plan B in mind for most forseeable disasters. What is your Plan A for most disasters you see as reasonably possible where you live and work? Will you grab your bugout bag and hit the highway for the hinterlands? Or are you prepared to (and hope to) fight it out at home? Please briefly explain your reasoning for what your Plan A entails.
I am posting their responses here on this thread as I receive them.
Get Ready ... Seriously - http://www.safecastleroyal.com
1 comment:
It would depend on the regional impact or length of the crisis. I am in the middle of purchasing some retreat land about 10 hours away in a sparsely populated area for a long term sanctuary, however any crisis that would last a month or less, we would be prepared to weather out at home. It will be nice to have option, as you know not all scenarios are the same, and like any EOF protocol you don't hit a fly with a sledge hammer.. Great blog by the way.
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