For those of you who are loyal readers, I want to say thank you for your patience these last couple of weeks. I've been on travel ... a working vacation actually. We spent some time on the beach in Florida and took the kids to see Mickey's kingdom down there as well.
In the interim, we missed some significant snowfall back home here in Minnesiberia, but unfortunately, the sub-zero temps waited patiently for our return home.
Are You Alone?
While traveling, I was on the phone with a very good customer of mine. We were talking about how, for her, readiness is a difficult and lonely avocation. Her husband doesn't buy into the idea that crisis preparedness is worth their time and money and apparently they have some pretty emotional "discussions" about it. In fact, she admitted that she has wondered if divorce would be the result.
When I mentioned that most folks who are into preparing for what may come are actually in it without the support of their spouse or other loved ones, she was surprised. She believed she was somehow one of a very few out there rowing solo.
It's true ... the majority of folks who find some peace of mind in being prepared, are doing it alone. By choice, most would love to have the endorsement of those close to them, but when systematic risk management still fails to show up on the radar screen of the majority of people, odds are, a lot of the rest of us are going to need to choose--be true to oneself and do what we know is in the best interests of our families ... or give in and not rock the boat. (Or do what untold multitudes do ... find the middle ground by "prepping" in secret.)
About a month ago, I blogged, "How to Convince Others." I'd encourage any of you in this situation to read through that entry again. If you are frustrated by your inability to get the message across to those around you that crisis preparedness is smart and it is a perfectly reasonable and logical approach to modern life, then maybe a slight alteration in your "aura" would help.
Regardless, be assured that you are not truly alone. Millions of intelligent thinkers out there have understood the vulnerability of Americans who aren't personally ready to deal with personal or far-reaching catastrophe. Recent disasters such as Hurricane Katrina have opened the eyes of millions more across the country.
My most succinct advice would be to do what you know is necessary in a gradual, low-key way. Remove the emotion--don't argue or fight about it if you can help it. Just do what you can do, and eventually your peace of mind and satisfaction will grow, and just maybe, others will come around when they recognize your calm confidence even when things start to alarm everyone else.
Merry Christmas
I suspect I'll get another entry or two in before Christmas, but nonetheless, I want to be sure to wish you all a blessed holiday with your loved ones. Remember:
Peace on earth.
It does not mean to be in a place
where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.
It means to be in the midst of those things
and still be calm in your heart.
It does not mean to be in a place
where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.
It means to be in the midst of those things
and still be calm in your heart.
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