First, any day now--a joint-venture partner and I will be introducing a brand new proprietary line of top-quality "bugout bags." They are called "ScramKits"--unique, self-contained units assembled for those who aim to be serious about their disaster readiness--at home, at work, and on the go.
Can't say much more until we launch ... initial available quantities will be limited, so stay tuned.
Pushing NBC Shelters into New Markets
We are also revving up our motors to take our best-available prefabricated steel storm- and fallout-shelters into new markets nationwide. We believe we are experiencing the beginning of a new surge in demand across the country for "steel-plated peace of mind," and we are developing strategies to make our product the recognized shelter of choice for security seekers everywhere.
Our expert builder has of course been fabricating and installing these shelters for FEMA, local communities, corporations, and households for 11 years, all across the lower 48. He's known as the best out there, making a product that will last for 100 years in most conditions. Our offerings meet or exceed FEMA standards in all respects, engineered to withstand storm conditions not even seen on this planet.
One detail of note: We have testimonials in hand that we'll be employing shortly, testifying to our customers safely and comfortably enduring direct hits from destructive storms.
We even have a letter from a customer whose property was subjected to hours of the 160mph eyewall of Hurricane Katrina. His above-ground shelter, installed a few years ago, was not even scratched by the turmoil and flying debris that wreaked havoc across the area, while he and his wife watched TV in air conditioned comfort, their sheltered personal generator humming along throughout.
More details of our plans are confidential, but suffice it to say, the marketplace is ripe for mainstream growth in saferooms and shelters.
New Products, Loyal Customers
We appreciate our growing customer base out there, many of whom come back time and again for our unusual values in preparedness products of all kinds. Right now, some of the very best preparedness product lines on the market continue to experience shortages and are backlogged due to sustained, unprecedented demand. Obviously, there are a lot of folks out there who are suddenly getting on board with the disaster readiness gameplan. Manufacturing and distribution capacities are being strained. But that is not deterring our customers who know what they want and trust that we are the ones who can get it for them.
Our newer large-volume value packs of long-term-storage Mountain House food is a prime example. We offer the best prices out there on our unique extended-period household-sustaining food kits. And although Mountain House is cranking the food out as fast as they can, product demand is keeping our order fulfillment process backlogged and delayed by several weeks. Does that mean some folks are putting off ordering product? Well, if they are, I'm not aware of it, and I'm not sure why they would be. Those who have decided that Mountain House is the best available long-term storage (30+ years) food out there want to get on the shipping lists and get their food stocks in place sooner rather than later, even when that means that a bit of patience is called for.
Another product line we are about to offer our customers--the new award-winning JetBoil personal cooking systems--perfect for emergency food preparation and ideal for preparing Mountain House foods in a hurry and in any conditions. Great for outdoors enthusiasts of all persuasions, we know the JetBoil is redefining adventure cooking and our customers will see it as a must-have.
Busy Times
Those are just a few of the items on our plate these days as we strive to meet the needs of our customers and create new opportunities.
Thank you to all of you who are helping to make it possible. Please let me know of any comments, questions, or suggestions you have.
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