As he points out, getting through trauma is more than a mental exercise--it's also about being in touch with one's own soul and with its Creator. Faith in a higher purpose and in an ultimate reward is going to always be a grand help in time of trouble. For additional perspective, please also see an earlier post: Spiritual Aspects of Preparing for Catastrophe.
The last thing I want to do is to get sidetracked and turn this blog into a theolog. We will again respectfully recognize that each of us has at least a somewhat unique view and interpretation of our place in creation. Our faith in our ability to grasp some of that higher purpose is what can become the difference between persevering and giving ourselves up to temporary madness or worse.
Preparing Your "House"
Theoutlands, one of our "Refugees" at this blog, kindly offered his view of why being prepared is important. The spiritual side of preparedness is more than about leaning on his faith to get through tough times ... it in fact provides him and his household with a basic rationale and foundation for all their readiness efforts.
Theoutlands: Staying alive to be found is a vital part of preparedness and survival, but there is so much more to it than just that. I consider "preparedness" to be a way of life, centering around the family - be it immediate, extended, or adopted.
The better a family is versed in the "basics" and the more diverse it is in abilities, the better the chances are of surviving any catastrophe.
Why plan for ill times? Personally, I can see no alternative but to plan and prepare. From a purely pragmatic standpoint, those with plans and preparations can continue their lives in relatively normal fashion during a disaster. But there is also another side.
Consider these ancient "wise sayings" ...
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,
but a fool devours all that he has.
The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
Those of you who have read the Old Testament book of Proverbs may recognize those lines. Part of my belief in "preparedness" stems from my religious faith. This may offend some people, but that's the way it is.
Some organizations, such as the LDS, make preparedness an integral part of church doctrines. I think this is entirely reasonable, because the Bible does talk in many places about "being ready" or "being prepared" for the future.
I've already listed two of them, above - Proverbs 21:20, 22:3, and 27:12 - since the last proverb appears twice. However, those are far from the only places where being prepared is addressed.
Genesis 41 tells the story of Joseph interpreting Pharoh's dreams of a coming seven years of abundance to be followed by seven years of famine so severe that the days of plenty would be forgotten. Joseph's plan for Egypt--given to him by God--was to store one-fifth of the harvests of the next seven years to provide for the country.
Matthew 25 tells the story of ten virgins meeting a bridegroom--five prepared well by taking extra oil for their lamps and five did not. The five who were roaming town, looking for lamp-oil at midnight, missed the arrival of the bridegroom and were left out of the reception.
Well, those are good stories, right? What's it mean to my life today? One last verse for you - 1 Timothy 5:8: If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
So there you have it - if I am aware of dangers that my family may face and do not take steps to provide for them, then I am worse than an unbeliever. So today I take steps to prepare my family because I believe that is my duty.
"Don't prep to outlast the 'troubles,' prep to not notice them."
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