In the meantime, we are offering $25 Safecastle Gift Certificates for every ORIGINAL multiple-choice survival scenario submitted by Feb. 24, that we select for use in our game. We are looking for a brief description of a dire situation, along with 4 or 5 multiple choices that folks might make in reaction to the situation. There might be more than one "right" response, but some will be better than others according to our point system.
With each submission, we ask for a brief description of a perilous situation. Propose a challenging decision and several (4 or 5) choices to choose from. We also ask for the author's viewpoint and explanation as to why they believe some choices might be better than others.
Creativity and originality are prized. Moral choices, as well as scientific, physical, and other mixes of dilemmas are welcome ... and so too is a touch of humor, if it fits. Scenarios may be taken from current events, future events, or historical events. Bottom line--we are looking at helping our game players gauge their ability to survive in tough situations.
We reserve the right to edit any Qs&As to suit our game. All submissions become the sole property of Safecastle LLC. Safecastle is released from all financial renumeration or any other subsequent obligations, and the company is free to use selected submissions in any way we choose.
Each Q&A submitter, by sending in a Q&A set, attests to the fact that they are the originator of the scenario and are alone authorized to offer the Q&As to Safecastle for consideration to be used in the upcoming game. Safecastle agrees to provide a $25 gift certificate to the author for each set of Qs&As selected for use in the game.
Author/submitters may specify that they would like to be credited (by name) in conjunction with their work if it is used in the game. If there is no such request attached to the submission, and it is chosen for inclusion in the game, it will be used without public credit by name. (The gift certificate will still be issued and awarded to the submitter.)
Email me your suggested scenarios here: vrantala@safecastle.net
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