Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, MRE's, Freeze Dried Food, Water Storage, Dehydrated Food, Survival tips
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Jim Rogers: Worry About 2013, Panic About 2014
Rogers is staying away from stocks despite the rally; he is investing in real assets.
Read that to mean precious metals, food, real estate.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
National Survey Results: "Doomsday Preppers"
These results from a national survey by Kelton Research about Americans' views on disasters and preparedness are extremely interesting:
Monday, February 20, 2012
Jim Rawles Interview: Surviving the Collapse
Author James Wesley, Rawles, of fame, is probably the world's foremost authority on crisis preparedness. Jim and I go way back. I have been a key sponsor of his blog for as long as it's been online. Our common intelligence background many years ago too brought us together (along with the late survivalist Ron Hood) in our strong belief in the need to help get America prepared for what is in our future.
Jim has been doing a lot of great interviews out there lately. Here is the latest ...
Jim has been doing a lot of great interviews out there lately. Here is the latest ...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Economist Williams: U.S. Dollar Selloff Risk is High

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Safecastle Now Ships Internationally!
Effective today, Safecastle is taking international orders for most everything
we sell!
We've had requests from all over the world almost every day for
many years. Well, we're finally able to get you what you need ...

Prepare and fortify!

Prepare and fortify!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Huge Sale: Lindon Farms Emergency Food - Now 15% Off!

Log-in to our store, add your selected Lindon Farms™ food package to your cart, enter this coupon code into the coupon field:
Click the "apply" button, and presto! Be amazed at what a great price this brings you. And of course it ships FREE. Note that the larger the food package is, the better the deal.
Lindon Farms™ is the new way to do food storage. With the finest quality ingredients blended in the most delicious recipes on the market, all the work is done for you – you just add water and serve! Each 360-serving emergency food storage container has 19 different just-add-water gourmet meals that are perfect for long-term storage, for regular meals, or to throw in your backpack.
The time period packages we sell are based on full 2000 calories/day. This food can be your stand-alone food storage solution at a really great price. Highest quality, most affordable food storage on the market today
- Delicious just-add-water meals
- Each meal in 5-10 serving pouches
- Easy to open zip-seal metalite™ pouches
- Oxygen absorber in every pouch
- Easily Transportable
- 8 gallon weather proof buckets
- Shelf Life - Up to 20 years - if stored in a dry, cool environment
- No High Fructose Corn-Syrup
- No added MSG
Shop here:
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
"Act of Valor" - Unprecedented Motion Picture Releasing February 24
Movie based on actual events, starring active-duty Navy Seals, using real weapons and weapon systems ...
The official "Act of Valor" site.
The official "Act of Valor" site.
Monday, February 13, 2012
How to Prepare for Economic Chaos, in 7 Stages

As mere pawns in the great game, we wield little capacity to impact events beyond our immediate personal radius. But what we CAN do, we MUST do in short order if you feel an obligation to protecting and providing for your loved ones in a future systemic and social calamity.
How to do that?
Assume the worst, within reason. Consider that many of the day-to-day services you take for granted will be interrupted for an unknown length of time. Water, fuel, electricity, food, health care, transportation, police and fire response, and employment are all perceived as American entitlements—but so also they are all susceptible to macro collapse. Withholding any one of those from a community would be disastrous--imagine all of them suddenly disappearing.
You and your loved ones, as well as most in your community, may suddenly be living day to day, hand to mouth. Those who have anticipated such a possibility beforehand and made prudent investments to cushion the blow will be far ahead of the rest. Many of the basic preparations for economic disaster in fact can apply also to a personal economic setback, which we all know is not a long-shot these days, so it is common sense to take some simple steps to mitigate your risk:
1. Have cash and precious metals on hand—and not just in the bank. Pretty obvious, I think.
2. Build up your cache of emergency storage food—the kind that you know how to prepare and enjoy eating.
3. Store as much drinking water as you can and rotate it every six months to keep it fresh. Have on hand a good water filter and purification tablets, as well as the means to boil water over a fire.
4. In any truly chaotic scenario, self-defense is a must. Gun ownership in America is a right. Know how to use your weapons and practice with them before you need to count on them.
5. In that self-defense vein, look at how you can fortify your home. How would you make it look uninviting from the outside. How can you make the structure as robust and defensible as you can?
6. Acquire a back-up power source. Options are many today, to fit any budget. Solar, wind, gas, diesel, propane. You may not be able to afford a back-up power supply to run your home or even your refrigerator, but at the very least aim to be able to charge a laptop, phone, batteries for radios, flashlights, etc.
7. First aid supplies and prescription medicines—stockpile what you and your family will need. Many physicians today are OK with getting you additional prescription medicine—particularly if you are planning on extended travel (wink).
Once you start thinking in these terms, you can continue adding to this plan of action, but the key is to get the basics squared away first. Adjust according to your personal situation, your neighborhood (certainly get to know as many of your neighbors now as possible), your climate, your budget, and your comfort level.
Should the worst actually come to pass, the initial critical advantage you and yours will have is the ability to stay put—hunkered down in relative safety. On the other hand, those who continue to hold to the dissolving American "birthright" of unending entitlements will be the ones having to go out in desperation to fight for the basics in the concrete and asphalt jungle.Safecastle LLC is a leading crisis preparedness provider. Emergency storage food such as Mountain House freeze dried foods, Safecastle steel-plate shelters and saferooms, and other unique survival gear solutions are available at
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Earn $25 Gift Certificates for Your Original Survival-Related Qs&As, if Chosen for Our New Online Game

In the meantime, we are offering $25 Safecastle Gift Certificates for every ORIGINAL multiple-choice survival scenario submitted by Feb. 24, that we select for use in our game. We are looking for a brief description of a dire situation, along with 4 or 5 multiple choices that folks might make in reaction to the situation. There might be more than one "right" response, but some will be better than others according to our point system.
With each submission, we ask for a brief description of a perilous situation. Propose a challenging decision and several (4 or 5) choices to choose from. We also ask for the author's viewpoint and explanation as to why they believe some choices might be better than others.
Creativity and originality are prized. Moral choices, as well as scientific, physical, and other mixes of dilemmas are welcome ... and so too is a touch of humor, if it fits. Scenarios may be taken from current events, future events, or historical events. Bottom line--we are looking at helping our game players gauge their ability to survive in tough situations.
We reserve the right to edit any Qs&As to suit our game. All submissions become the sole property of Safecastle LLC. Safecastle is released from all financial renumeration or any other subsequent obligations, and the company is free to use selected submissions in any way we choose.
Each Q&A submitter, by sending in a Q&A set, attests to the fact that they are the originator of the scenario and are alone authorized to offer the Q&As to Safecastle for consideration to be used in the upcoming game. Safecastle agrees to provide a $25 gift certificate to the author for each set of Qs&As selected for use in the game.
Author/submitters may specify that they would like to be credited (by name) in conjunction with their work if it is used in the game. If there is no such request attached to the submission, and it is chosen for inclusion in the game, it will be used without public credit by name. (The gift certificate will still be issued and awarded to the submitter.)
Email me your suggested scenarios here:
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Economist Williams: "This is End of the World Stuff"
Economist John Williams, CEO of, in an eye-opening interview: "This is a no-win situation ... I guarantee you, the US government is bankrupt ... Have a back-up of at least several months of supplies ... Buying canned food is a better investment than buying a treasury bill."
Friday, February 10, 2012
Stunning Video Representation of the Thousands of Major Quakes in 2011
The explosion of quakes in and around Japan in March is outrageous.
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Sunday, February 05, 2012
My Favorite Superbowl Commercial
The return of Ferris Bueller was cool, but you can't argue with the end of the world approach to sell trucks ...
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
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