The offer is good for up to 250 memberships, or through August 5, whichever comes first.
- To take advantage of this offer, make your membership purchase here (add the membership to your cart): http://store.prepared.pro/buyersclubmembership.aspx
- Then click "Checkout Now" in the right column. Go through the three-step checkout process (clicking the "Next" button twice after filling out the required info).
- Be sure to add the following code in the COUPON field in that checkout process:
- Wait until you receive an email that says your membership has been completed (we have to manually set you up for your discounts and incentives). After receiving that membership-completed email, you can log-in to the store and see your discounted pricing on our many preparedness-related listings.
For more info on why you need a membership, see this: http://store.prepared.pro/why-safeca...yers-club.aspx
7/28 Update: This may be the last call. Survivalblog posted this offer last night and we blew thru our 250 membership cap and then past our next added cap and now again we have upped our cap for the last time to 600 memberships. We may have to end the offer by tonight or sooner if the orders keep flowing in like they have been.
BTW, it's going to take a good long while for us to manually activate all these memberships, so your patience is appreciated. .
Get Ready ... Seriously -- www.prepared.pro
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