Read this first, from ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=2795969&page=1
Go ahead, I'll wait.
OK. Now, I'm not a "24" fan. I watched a few episodes in the first season, mainly because my wife always tells me I look like Kiefer Sutherland. And I do really like good espionage-related entertainment when I'm in the mood. But the show never quite hit the mark for me.
Nonetheless, "24" is obviously is a hit with a lot of folks, and I guess the plots must twist the spin close enough to keeping the good guys on the real front lines looking like the heroes they are.
So, all the more power to Kiefer and company. Go Jack Bauer!
But why is someone now crying about this season's shows? .... because they are nuking L.A. on our very own widescreens? Is someone actually concerned about our collective ability to handle the fear we'll be immersed in as the result of watching must-see WMD TV in high def?
Hmmm ... ABC TV is the source of this article. Is it not just way too obvious that they might be screeching pitiably about their own inability to compete in the Nielsens in this time slot?
Of course.
But also, it is amazing that there are folks out there--"scholarly experts"--who are willing to be quoted to the effect that " ... the dramatic action in the show creates a dangerous climate in which the public loses some of its perspective on what's real and what's not."
And, "Fear has been used to paralyze people's intellects. If they can scare people, almost anything becomes possible. When people are afraid their brains shut off and it makes you confused and want easy solutions."
Then there is the P.C. angle that has to be given voice in this "debate" ... "Television shows like '24' also reinforce stereotypes about Arabs, he said, and in this episode connections are drawn between terrorism, Arabs and nuclear war. With the U.S. wrestling with Iran over its nuclear capabilities, these associations are dangerous."
Guess we just can't be trusted to manage our own emotions and opinions, can we? Or at least we must not be counted on to separate high-def imagery from our kitchen window's-view of the world.
The article mentions that the 1983 drama "The Day After" (aired by ABC!) showed the horror of life after a nuclear attack, and that in 2002, "The Sum of All Fears" was questioned by authorities who were apparently concerned about public fears so recent to the reality of 9/11.
Also, this year, it is pointed out that CBS has a series, "Jericho" that portrays life after nuclear war.
Here's the clincher: "'It fits into a mind set," Jhally said. "Iran is on the news about nuclear power, and now there is an American TV story on an Arab terrorist using nuclear power. It's dangerous because this present administration wants any excuse to attack an enemy. Fear is (the) main enemy in our political culture and we have to cut through the fear to see the world clearly, and then we can find solutions to make the world safe.'"
Sometimes you just have to wonder, don't you? I would hope that we all, in our feeble little minds, at least give it a little thought from time to time--that there ARE folks out there "watching out" for your best interests.
Bottom line, WE have the power to live well and prepare for any contingencies, IF we so choose.
Repeat after me: I am not afraid of network entertainment ... at least not to the point of soiling my pants and changing my vote.
Get Ready, Seriously ... www.safecastleroyal.com
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