Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, MRE's, Freeze Dried Food, Water Storage, Dehydrated Food, Survival tips
Thursday, December 31, 2009
No Rise of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Fraction in Past 160 Years, New Research Finds
No rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide fraction in past 160 years, new research finds
Get Ready ... Seriously -
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"Off the Grid" - Reality Check Anyone?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
2-for-1 Sale on MRE Trays, Thru Dec. 31 Only
Our favorite storage food distributor just presented us with another great, limited-time offer.
We have not been able to offer quality, worthwhile MREs here for maybe a couple of years now. So when we were asked if our members would perhaps be interested in these, we jumped at the chance.
These are MRE Tray packs, 2008 and 2009 production. They are suited to feeding larger groups and families--most trays feed 18+ people per tray.
We are offering 11 different varieties, but for some of them, quantities are very limited. So if you are interested, please act quickly for the best selection. Come January 1, these will no longer be available here.
And the price? We're basically giving these away to our members with little or no margin here. Get TWO TRAYS of any available variety for $28! Free shipping to the lower 48 of course. Work the numbers--that's 78-cents per meal!
These trays, if stored properly will be good for up to 10 more years (store them cold and they'll be good for a lot longer).
Meals, Ready to Eat. They'll taste best if heated first, but you do what you have to, right?
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Do NOT Drive Impaired This Holiday Season!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Climate Conference Buffoons
Copenhagen climate summit: 'most important paper in the world' is a glorified UN press release
by Gerald Warner
When your attempt at recreating the Congress of Vienna with a third-rate cast of extras turns into a shambles, when the data with which you have tried to terrify the world is daily exposed as ever more phoney, when the blatant greed and self-interest of the participants has become obvious to all beholders, when those pesky polar bears just keep increasing and multiplying – what do you do?
No contest: stop issuing three rainforests of press releases every day, change the heading to James Bond-style “Do not distribute” and “leak” a single copy, in the knowledge that human nature is programmed to interest itself in anything it imagines it is not supposed to see, whereas it would bin the same document unread if it were distributed openly.
After that, get some unbiased, neutral observer, such as the executive director of Greenpeace, to say: “This is the single most important piece of paper in the world today.” Unfortunately, the response of all intelligent people will be to fall about laughing; but it was worth a try – everybody loves a tryer – and the climate alarmists are no longer in a position to pick and choose their tactics.
But boy! Was this crass, or what? The apocalyptic document revealing that even if the Western leaders hand over all the climate Danegeld demanded of them, appropriately at the venue of Copenhagen, the earth will still fry on a 3C temperature rise is the latest transparent scare tactic to extort more cash from taxpayers. The danger of this ploy, of course, is that people might say “If we are going to be chargrilled anyway, what is the point of handing over billions – better to get some serious conspicuous consumption in before the ski slopes turn into saunas.”
This “single most important piece of paper in the world” comes, presumably, from an authoritative and totally neutral source? Yes, of course. It’s from the – er – UN Framework Committee on Climate Change that is – er – running the Danegeld Summit. Some people might be small-minded enough to suggest this paper has as much authority as a “leaked” document from Number 10 revealing that life would be hell under the Tories.
This week has been truly historic. It has marked the beginning of the landslide that is collapsing the whole AGW imposture. The pseudo-science of global warming is a global laughing stock and Copenhagen is a farce. In the warmist camp the Main Man is a railway engineer with huge investments in the carbon industry. That says it all. The world’s boiler being heroically damped down by the Fat Controller. Al Gore, occupant of the only private house that can be seen from space, so huge is its energy consumption, wanted to charge punters $1,200 to be photographed with him at Copenhagen. There is a man who is really worried about the planet’s future.
If there were not $45-trillion of Western citizens’ money at stake, this would be the funniest moment in world history. What a bunch of buffoons. Not since Neville Chamberlain tugged a Claridge’s luncheon bill from his pocket and flourished it on the steps of the aircraft that brought him back from Munich has a worthless scrap of paper been so audaciously hyped. There was one good moment at Copenhagen, though: some seriously professional truncheon work by Danish Plod on the smellies. Otherwise, this event is strictly for Hans Christian Andersen.
Get Ready ... Seriously -
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Another Safecastle 7-Day Riot!

Here it is, short and sweet ...
Safecastle 7-Day Riot, Installment III
These offers are valid till December 23. Everything ships free to the lower 48, as always.
1. A brand new Maxpedition Versipack, the Mongo is now available. We are bundling the extra large, enhanced Jumbo known as the Mongo with a matching 6" x 6" padded pouch to allow for your order to dropship immediately from Maxpedition (they normally require a minimum dealer order of $150 to dropship for us). You have your choice of colors--black, khaki, and OD green. You can select right-side or left-side carry versions (great for CCW, among many other everyday uses). For this deal ONLY, with a member price of just $128 on this package, we are eating the rest of the minimum and you get a great deal!
2. Another very cool knife offer. This is what I carry. Not at all unlike a switchblade, this Smith & Wesson "assisted opening" pocket folder is a keeper! Again, no margin here for us I'm afraid, and you win once more! Member price: $29.24!
3. Last, but perhaps most amazing ... I need to move dozens of overstocked Safecastle QUEST Mission Rigs. I have removed one costly item from these rigs--the K8 radiation detector that was previously part of this package and that brought the rig price up to $500, list.
Because we need to make room at the end of the year, we are now almost giving these comprehensive survival kits away--certainly at a loss over what we put into them. Check out the contents and you will see what I mean. In your choice of soft or hard case ... members this next week pay ONLY $179.99, a savings of $220 over the current list price! While supplies last.
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Get Ready ... Seriously -
Monday, December 07, 2009
Must Watch: "Urban Danger"
2 Cases for the Price of 1! - Canned Dehydrated Diced Potatoes
Our supplier has presented us with the opportunity to buy cases of Future Essentials, Idahoan Dehydrated Diced Potatoes at the rate of two for one!
This does not happen often in the food storage biz. In fact, it is a first in my memory. These cases are current production--canned in October of this year--they'll store indefinitely as long as the cans remain unopened.
Each case contains twelve 12.3oz. cans.
Bottom line for buyers club members: $64.00 for two cases. Free shipping of course to the lower 48.
Act quickly--this offer is only good till December 12.
Get Ready ... Seriously -
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
NOW -- Turtle Tuff Shelters at Safecastle Royal!

Turtle Tuff Shelters are unique. They are lightweight, portable, strong, low-cost, quality geodesic dome shelters. The geodesic dome is the lightest frame structure in existence for its weight. Cover and floor materials resist UV rays, high winds, rain, and snow for many years.
The Turtle Tuff is not a tent, but a very strong home away from home. It can be used in an emergency (earthquake, hurricane, etc.) to relocate to a safe area and within a few hours, be set up with a safe dwelling for the family in any weather.
Get Ready ... Seriously -
Another Week, Another Riot
This week's riot of special offers include a couple of great discounted products new to Safecastle, and one that we've had for a while but which is now marked down 30% (before applying the member discount!).
1. The new Stanley 95-155 3-in-1 Tripod LED Flashlight. This is an eminently practical and affordable lighting tool. In fact, as the name states, it is three lights in one. I can't wait for a blackout to use mine properly.
2. Very limited quantities on this one, so we may not get to run this offer for the full 7 days. When I came across this last week, I scooped up all available units for this Condor "pipe knife with sheath." If you have any kind of interest in knives, go to the listing to check this one out!
3. Finally, for this week, we are making available the uscanteen Como Canteen Holder at a solid discount BEFORE member discount is subsequently applied! These canteen holders are top-quality products available in your choice of color and design. Not to mention our just-reduced price on the stainless steel uscanteens themselves, in single-wall and double-wall, polished and brushed models.
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