Business has been rather slow in recent months ... not only for Safecastle, but for most other preparedness-related outfits as well.
The logical explanation is that there was such a huge surge late last year and early this year in readiness buying around the country, (triggered by the Hurricane Katrina aftermath) that we are in the corresponding trough that almost always follows a reactionary spike like that.
And hey, all of us DO seem to be a bit drained of our sense of urgency anymore to prepare for this, that, and the other, after so many loud wake-up calls in recent years.
Nonetheless, in total, my educated guess is that right now, the American population is as well prepared as it has been for decades. Perhaps 10% of American households have done some substantial preparedness work in the last year or two ... so that those folks can at least pull through a few days of major difficulties without having to crash through the plate glass at the padlocked Piggly Wiggly for water and Twinkies.
Ten percent! Not much more than a sliver out of the big pie, but really, it's progress over the days when "survivalists" were being uniformly ridiculed and/or skewered in the media. Today, the tide HAS turned and we're seeing preppers and practical folks taking heroic roles in TV series (Jericho), and every week there are cable shows if not major network news programs that are outlining how easy it can be to survive disaster with just a little common sense (Survivorman, Bird Flu news programs, etc.). Not to mention a resurgence in the print media of similar fictional titles and non-fiction articles presenting readiness in a mostly positive light. The mass mind-meld is in full blossom, so fear not, the preparedness trend will continue for quite some time.
All in all, my view is that we're in a lull right now. It's a good time to be buying if you need preps, as the demand is down for the moment. Reason--emotionally, we as a population have needed to pause and have a look at the scenery before we have to react to the next spate of the unexpected and horrifying.
Bottom line ... bad stuff happens, but at least some of us will be ready when it does.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Food Storage, Emergency Preparedness, MRE's, Freeze Dried Food, Water Storage, Dehydrated Food, Survival tips
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
All's Well That Ends Well

On this Christmas day, I am reminded, all's well that ends well.
I closed the previous post (see "Who and What will Endure in Our Rapidly Changing World?" ) with a comment about being sure about your philosophical position on things, and a suggestion that life is not all there is to be trying to preserve.
Faith in Jesus Christ and His promise for eternal salvation is the ultimate enduring ambition for those of us who celebrate His birth.
Regardless of all else on this earth, if we are spiritually prepared and faithful to the Lord Jesus, all will end well for us. And that is really none of our doing, but a gift from above. Accept it or refuse it--the choice is each of ours to make.
I closed the previous post (see "Who and What will Endure in Our Rapidly Changing World?" ) with a comment about being sure about your philosophical position on things, and a suggestion that life is not all there is to be trying to preserve.
Faith in Jesus Christ and His promise for eternal salvation is the ultimate enduring ambition for those of us who celebrate His birth.
Regardless of all else on this earth, if we are spiritually prepared and faithful to the Lord Jesus, all will end well for us. And that is really none of our doing, but a gift from above. Accept it or refuse it--the choice is each of ours to make.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Who and What will Endure in Our Rapidly Transforming World?
Change is inevitable. It's always been so, yet rarely has "progress" been so strenuously dramatic as what we are experiencing in the 21st century.
Change in and of itself causes fear and resistance in most people. We are creatures of habit and we all develop our own little comfort zones from which we view and interpret the world around us. Normally, we can remain largely in control of at least that personal space so that the changes which otherwise encroach all around us are taken on at a manageable pace.
The key to the success of that kind of personal dynamic is that others out there are not too aggressive or insistent on us to change our ways before we are ready to. This allows us to feel that we retain our freedom of choice ... even if the only choice is whether to get on board now or later.
History Suddenly Morphs
Yet personal choice is not always a given. Human history tends to periodically convulse, usually in the form of violent conflict. These historical mile markers show up when the world as it was, is no longer. Contemporary populations are forced to adapt to explosively overpowering realities. World War II comes to mind as a fairly recent example.
Today, revolutionary levels of technological advancement, global access to the new technologies, resulting oppressive multi-cultural compression, and good-old-fashioned human nature in the form of resistance to change, create a volatile mix that seemingly must ignite and explode before it will clear off.
Virtually nothing today in the world is as it was 20 years ago--certainly not international ethnic attitudes, with emerging hatreds of every flavor competing daily for highest-casualty head-count--sometimes literally. And can my recollection be so bad as to be candy-coating memories of not that many years ago when America had many trusted allies and most border crossings were routine and more welcoming than threatening?
It's one big, hot kitchen today. Pots are simmering on all burners and there are plenty of cooks in line to stir them. Tension and mistrust, pride and envy are a few of the base human ingredients being allowed to fold into each other. Worst of all, emotionally rooted belief systems are at odds with each other, being forced into the same recipe--one that is supposed to be suitable for all palates.
We are living this socio-culinary experiment without a plan B. The only satisfaction being found is for those with a taste for violence, and that is being served up in many parts of the world.
Niche groups pushing aggressive, intolerant agendas are leading the way. Keeping global order will require a popular level of resolve that quite simply is not in place among the masses who are instead determined to remain familiarly comfortable for as long as possible. Surely, the vast majority of people in the world want to opt for peace, but given the malleable passivity of the various large majorities, significant yet small violent causes have little to fear, and their momentum becomes virtually unstoppable at some point soon. Resisting or not resisting that momentum ... either way, the global dynamic changes radically, in short order.
What Endures?
The question that has no sure answer--what will become of the world? Those of us who prepare for potential crises would like to believe that our own existence will be a positive experience.
But can we be sure? Of course not. We cannot even forecast with assurance the variables that will determine new realities. But those who feel there is radical change ahead in some form are likely on track.
How comfortable can we hope to be? Will cultural traditions such as Christmas, baseball, and Boy Scouts endure? Will institutions such as church and family continue unaltered? Will representative government and personal liberties remain possible? Will public utilities and food supplies be dependable? Will neighbors open their doors to each other?
There are certainly lots of opinions on outcomes, causes, and effects. But in the end, what matters is the moment. Be ready to adapt and to make choices quickly based on your values and your position of readiness. At crunch time, you may not have the opportunity to think through options, so it might be best to solidify your philosophical outlook now. I can't spell it out for you and no one else should either.
But one suggestion to take into consideration: death and suffering is not the worst-case outcome to seek to avoid. It may very well be that a just cause or position of belief is larger than any of us.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Change in and of itself causes fear and resistance in most people. We are creatures of habit and we all develop our own little comfort zones from which we view and interpret the world around us. Normally, we can remain largely in control of at least that personal space so that the changes which otherwise encroach all around us are taken on at a manageable pace.
The key to the success of that kind of personal dynamic is that others out there are not too aggressive or insistent on us to change our ways before we are ready to. This allows us to feel that we retain our freedom of choice ... even if the only choice is whether to get on board now or later.
History Suddenly Morphs
Yet personal choice is not always a given. Human history tends to periodically convulse, usually in the form of violent conflict. These historical mile markers show up when the world as it was, is no longer. Contemporary populations are forced to adapt to explosively overpowering realities. World War II comes to mind as a fairly recent example.
Today, revolutionary levels of technological advancement, global access to the new technologies, resulting oppressive multi-cultural compression, and good-old-fashioned human nature in the form of resistance to change, create a volatile mix that seemingly must ignite and explode before it will clear off.
Virtually nothing today in the world is as it was 20 years ago--certainly not international ethnic attitudes, with emerging hatreds of every flavor competing daily for highest-casualty head-count--sometimes literally. And can my recollection be so bad as to be candy-coating memories of not that many years ago when America had many trusted allies and most border crossings were routine and more welcoming than threatening?
It's one big, hot kitchen today. Pots are simmering on all burners and there are plenty of cooks in line to stir them. Tension and mistrust, pride and envy are a few of the base human ingredients being allowed to fold into each other. Worst of all, emotionally rooted belief systems are at odds with each other, being forced into the same recipe--one that is supposed to be suitable for all palates.
We are living this socio-culinary experiment without a plan B. The only satisfaction being found is for those with a taste for violence, and that is being served up in many parts of the world.
Niche groups pushing aggressive, intolerant agendas are leading the way. Keeping global order will require a popular level of resolve that quite simply is not in place among the masses who are instead determined to remain familiarly comfortable for as long as possible. Surely, the vast majority of people in the world want to opt for peace, but given the malleable passivity of the various large majorities, significant yet small violent causes have little to fear, and their momentum becomes virtually unstoppable at some point soon. Resisting or not resisting that momentum ... either way, the global dynamic changes radically, in short order.
What Endures?
The question that has no sure answer--what will become of the world? Those of us who prepare for potential crises would like to believe that our own existence will be a positive experience.
But can we be sure? Of course not. We cannot even forecast with assurance the variables that will determine new realities. But those who feel there is radical change ahead in some form are likely on track.
How comfortable can we hope to be? Will cultural traditions such as Christmas, baseball, and Boy Scouts endure? Will institutions such as church and family continue unaltered? Will representative government and personal liberties remain possible? Will public utilities and food supplies be dependable? Will neighbors open their doors to each other?
There are certainly lots of opinions on outcomes, causes, and effects. But in the end, what matters is the moment. Be ready to adapt and to make choices quickly based on your values and your position of readiness. At crunch time, you may not have the opportunity to think through options, so it might be best to solidify your philosophical outlook now. I can't spell it out for you and no one else should either.
But one suggestion to take into consideration: death and suffering is not the worst-case outcome to seek to avoid. It may very well be that a just cause or position of belief is larger than any of us.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
"Need to Know" Forum - Still Another Good Reason to Come in From the Cold
Another new development for Safecastle Royal Buyers Club members ... a new members-only discussion forum, "Need to Know."
Members, check it out.
Soon-to-be members, sign-up for the club and you'll be provided your access info to the separate members site.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Members, check it out.
Soon-to-be members, sign-up for the club and you'll be provided your access info to the separate members site.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
New Mountain House Group Buy Runs into January 2007
At long last, over the next several weeks, we will be taking orders for a brand new variety package of Mountain House foods ... a new selection of #10 cans in three cases ... 18 different varieties ... at a price you can't afford to pass up.
You can pay full price for the food at our eBay store, ... OR you can save BIG BUCKS by joining our buyers club now!
And oh yes, there's more ... also for the first time, and for the duration of this group buy, we are offering only to members a couple of specially selected add-on pouch packages, including items such as hamburger patties, ice cream sandwiches, organic fruit, and more.
These limited-time offers at the traditional full-discount Safecastle group buy prices are available now only to Safecastle Royal members. So if you haven't yet joined up, go to and sign-up. When you have done that, we will send you access info to the separate members site with the new special deals.
There's no doubt these limited time Mountain House buying opportunities will save you big $$$ and help you continue to build your emergency supplies.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
You can pay full price for the food at our eBay store, ... OR you can save BIG BUCKS by joining our buyers club now!
And oh yes, there's more ... also for the first time, and for the duration of this group buy, we are offering only to members a couple of specially selected add-on pouch packages, including items such as hamburger patties, ice cream sandwiches, organic fruit, and more.
These limited-time offers at the traditional full-discount Safecastle group buy prices are available now only to Safecastle Royal members. So if you haven't yet joined up, go to and sign-up. When you have done that, we will send you access info to the separate members site with the new special deals.
There's no doubt these limited time Mountain House buying opportunities will save you big $$$ and help you continue to build your emergency supplies.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
"Whack-a-Mole" Keeps Preppers Jumping
You know the classic arcade game ... now a Hasbro home game as well ... the game where you wield a rubber mallet and try to keep up with the increasingly frenetic pace of whacking those pesky rodents as they pop up out of their holes. Fun for all ages for sure, but most of us end up reaching the limits of our ability to keep things in check.
The game is really not unlike real life for those who try to stay on top of the latest threats of the moment as brought to us by our favorite media outlets.
Within the last few years we've been jumping from emerging threat to emerging threat ... Y2K was a grand technological wake-up call that ended morphing into a snooze button. Then 9/11 jolted us from our slumber. For a while, terror fears and threats were popping up all over. The Axis of Evil entered into the common lexicon and Afghanistan and Iraq became focal points of our national wrath. WMDs in all forms became our boogeymen.
With time, frustration set in (or was it simply attention deficit flaws built into media production cycles?) and our collective attitudes started to degrade, even as other threats drew our attention ... for many, demanding further preparatory action to somehow make us feel safer.
The catastrophic tsunami in Asia caused coastline populations worldwide to rethink their positions. Major earthquakes from time to time reminded us that firm ground under our feet and foundations cannot be taken for granted. Hurricanes, to include Katrina, and their difficult aftermaths served as evidence of how vulnerable we are to nature and dependent on others to recover from disaster.
Talk of the risk of a pending global flu pandemic brought a whole new way of fearing the future, even as we looked to past pandemics to witness how devastating an invisible enemy can be.
Of course the elusive terror and global jihad specters continue to materialize, then disappear again through it all.
Nuclear proliferation, peak oil, and global climate change are other fearsome threats to modern reality, not to mention unexpected visitations from near earth objects touring the solar system.
The danger of economic collapse seems to be gaining popular traction these days. Then there is always the pet conspiracy theory prevalent within a given group or channel that promises to change our world as we know it.
Whack, whack, whack. Deep breath. Whackety whack whack. "Coming up next, a team of experts warn that the earth will implode into a shriveled-up, lifeless peach pit ... it's not a question of 'if' but 'when!' But first stay tuned for another message from our sponsors."
Let's not forget to take advantage of the break to grab a cold beverage and kiss our loved ones. There's always the next emerging nightmare to rest up for, and to have to try to keep in perspective.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
The game is really not unlike real life for those who try to stay on top of the latest threats of the moment as brought to us by our favorite media outlets.
Within the last few years we've been jumping from emerging threat to emerging threat ... Y2K was a grand technological wake-up call that ended morphing into a snooze button. Then 9/11 jolted us from our slumber. For a while, terror fears and threats were popping up all over. The Axis of Evil entered into the common lexicon and Afghanistan and Iraq became focal points of our national wrath. WMDs in all forms became our boogeymen.
With time, frustration set in (or was it simply attention deficit flaws built into media production cycles?) and our collective attitudes started to degrade, even as other threats drew our attention ... for many, demanding further preparatory action to somehow make us feel safer.
The catastrophic tsunami in Asia caused coastline populations worldwide to rethink their positions. Major earthquakes from time to time reminded us that firm ground under our feet and foundations cannot be taken for granted. Hurricanes, to include Katrina, and their difficult aftermaths served as evidence of how vulnerable we are to nature and dependent on others to recover from disaster.
Talk of the risk of a pending global flu pandemic brought a whole new way of fearing the future, even as we looked to past pandemics to witness how devastating an invisible enemy can be.
Of course the elusive terror and global jihad specters continue to materialize, then disappear again through it all.
Nuclear proliferation, peak oil, and global climate change are other fearsome threats to modern reality, not to mention unexpected visitations from near earth objects touring the solar system.
The danger of economic collapse seems to be gaining popular traction these days. Then there is always the pet conspiracy theory prevalent within a given group or channel that promises to change our world as we know it.
Whack, whack, whack. Deep breath. Whackety whack whack. "Coming up next, a team of experts warn that the earth will implode into a shriveled-up, lifeless peach pit ... it's not a question of 'if' but 'when!' But first stay tuned for another message from our sponsors."
Let's not forget to take advantage of the break to grab a cold beverage and kiss our loved ones. There's always the next emerging nightmare to rest up for, and to have to try to keep in perspective.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
SteriPEN Adventurer with Solar Charger Package Now Shipping
Just posted in the Safecastle Royal buyers club--a complete package that includes the new Hydro Photon SteriPEN Adventurer handheld UV water purifier, the new solar charging case, and the wide-mouth bottle pre-filter. All we can say is--the package is shipping now, in time for Christmas, at a GREAT price for members. January 1, package prices must go up $30, though even then, the club price will be excellent.
Also just posted, cans of non-hybrid vegetable seeds for long-term storage (4+ years). Enough to plant 2/3 of an acre. Great member discounts and as always, free shipping.
Our email list gets first notice of these kinds of deals, folks ... sometimes quantities available are very limited, so be sure to sign up (and confirm when the email system sends the confirmation message) for our email distribution ... the registration form can be accessed in the right column of this blog.
Also, be sure to sign-up as a member of Safecastle Royal to get some of the best preparedness deals anywhere ... a one-time fee of $19 gets you in and you will never regret it! Your first purchase will likely more than recoup you that minimal cost.
More great deals are just around the corner!
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Also just posted, cans of non-hybrid vegetable seeds for long-term storage (4+ years). Enough to plant 2/3 of an acre. Great member discounts and as always, free shipping.
Our email list gets first notice of these kinds of deals, folks ... sometimes quantities available are very limited, so be sure to sign up (and confirm when the email system sends the confirmation message) for our email distribution ... the registration form can be accessed in the right column of this blog.
Also, be sure to sign-up as a member of Safecastle Royal to get some of the best preparedness deals anywhere ... a one-time fee of $19 gets you in and you will never regret it! Your first purchase will likely more than recoup you that minimal cost.
More great deals are just around the corner!
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Cranking Up Some New Product Buys
Just got back from a brief respite on a warm, sunny beach. Not a bad way for a guy from Minnesota to get lubed and limbered in December!
Now we can get rolling on a few new buying opportunities we've had in the works. This week, we'll be posting two new products at great discount prices in our buyers club, "Safecastle Royal." If you're not yet a member, now's the time to get on board. A one-time $19 membership fee gets you access to some of the very best preparedness buying prices anywhere on a wide range of products. It's easy ... go to to sign up. When you make that membership purchase, we'll send you access info to our separate password-protected Safecastle Royal site.
What's Coming
We'll post more product details within a few days, but in a nutshell, this week we'll be offering outstanding deals on two products ...
Note that these special deals will be for Safecastle Royal members only, and we have the products available in limited quantities. So if you want in, make sure you're signed up and ready to go this week.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Now we can get rolling on a few new buying opportunities we've had in the works. This week, we'll be posting two new products at great discount prices in our buyers club, "Safecastle Royal." If you're not yet a member, now's the time to get on board. A one-time $19 membership fee gets you access to some of the very best preparedness buying prices anywhere on a wide range of products. It's easy ... go to to sign up. When you make that membership purchase, we'll send you access info to our separate password-protected Safecastle Royal site.
What's Coming
We'll post more product details within a few days, but in a nutshell, this week we'll be offering outstanding deals on two products ...
- First, vaccuum-sealed cans of a large variety of non-hybrid vegetable seeds, good to store for years.
- Second, a brand new water-purification product package called the SteriPEN Adventurer, along with its Solar Charging Case. What a cool new product and technology ... a whole new way for portable, fast, and convenient water purification anywhere!
- Then in another week, we'll be starting up another one of our unique Mountain House variety-pack buys with a new selection of foods to add to your stores. These packages are extremely popular--for good reason!
Note that these special deals will be for Safecastle Royal members only, and we have the products available in limited quantities. So if you want in, make sure you're signed up and ready to go this week.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Missile Defense to Be Scuttled???
No civil defense, no Civil Defense logo, no missile defense ... could be the red, white, and blue will soon be replaced with an all-white flag.
STAR WARS REDUX: Democrats to Gut Missile Defense / Bush to Announce "Orbital Battle Station"
PJM in Seattle
December 1, 2006 2:59 AM
By Taylor Dinerman
Democratic leaders are poised to gut America’s missile defense - at the same time North Korea and Iran are testing long-range missiles that can strike the U.S. and its allies, including Israel, Japan and Britain.
Meanwhile, sources inside the missile-defense community tell Pajamas Media that the Bush administration is planning to ask Congress to begin funding development of an “orbital battle station.”
With these key developments, 2007 is set to be the biggest battle of space-based weapons since President Reagan proposed “Star Wars” in 1983.
The incoming chairman of the Senate’s Armed Services Committee is Carl Levin. Levin, a Michigan Democrat, has long been a foe of missile defense. In 1980s, he worried that President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative — which aimed to develop technology to destroy Soviet missiles during all phases of flight — was “destabilizing.”
Today Sen. Levin sings the same tune in a different key. “They’ve not done the operational testing yet that is convincing,” said Senator Levin during a post-election press conference. He was referring to the Ground based Missile Defense [GMD] system being installed in Alaska and California, to defend against North Korean missiles. He added that he favors stalling purchases of interceptor missiles - vital for missile defense — until after testing is complete.
In short, Sen. Levin and other longtime opponents of missile defense plan to use “testing” - set to an unrealistically high level - to stop missile defense.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
STAR WARS REDUX: Democrats to Gut Missile Defense / Bush to Announce "Orbital Battle Station"
PJM in Seattle
December 1, 2006 2:59 AM
By Taylor Dinerman
Democratic leaders are poised to gut America’s missile defense - at the same time North Korea and Iran are testing long-range missiles that can strike the U.S. and its allies, including Israel, Japan and Britain.
Meanwhile, sources inside the missile-defense community tell Pajamas Media that the Bush administration is planning to ask Congress to begin funding development of an “orbital battle station.”
With these key developments, 2007 is set to be the biggest battle of space-based weapons since President Reagan proposed “Star Wars” in 1983.
The incoming chairman of the Senate’s Armed Services Committee is Carl Levin. Levin, a Michigan Democrat, has long been a foe of missile defense. In 1980s, he worried that President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative — which aimed to develop technology to destroy Soviet missiles during all phases of flight — was “destabilizing.”
Today Sen. Levin sings the same tune in a different key. “They’ve not done the operational testing yet that is convincing,” said Senator Levin during a post-election press conference. He was referring to the Ground based Missile Defense [GMD] system being installed in Alaska and California, to defend against North Korean missiles. He added that he favors stalling purchases of interceptor missiles - vital for missile defense — until after testing is complete.
In short, Sen. Levin and other longtime opponents of missile defense plan to use “testing” - set to an unrealistically high level - to stop missile defense.
Get Ready, Seriously ...
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