Safecastle | One Shop For All Emergency Essentials: May is Prepper-Bike Month ... Best Prices on Montague and SwissBike Folding Bikes and QuikPak Folding Trailers

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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

May is Prepper-Bike Month ... Best Prices on Montague and SwissBike Folding Bikes and QuikPak Folding Trailers

May is Bike Month. At Safecastle, May is Prepper Bike Month.

For the rest of the month, we are selling our primo folding Montague and SwissBike mountain bikes and road bikes, to include the famous Paratrooper, the Paratrooper Pro, and the new top-of-the-line X90.

This month, not only are you getting steep sale prices, member discounts, and free shipping on all our folding bikes (and folding bike trailers too), but with our May Resistance Sale member-incentive-offer of free LifeStraws and Gift Certificates applies as well, you score an unbeatable haul!!

And that's not all. Finally, our 2013 Loyalty Royalty offer ensures that at the end of the year, you will recoup still more in the form of a rebate gift certificate worth between 1% -11% on top of all that you already are saving!

These folding bikes are legendary ... the design was initially the result of a DARPA project for military paratroopers who could jump with these folding bikes on their backs and then hop aboard and make great time on the battlefield. 

Not only robust and fun--they are practical and easy to stow and carry. Preppers love these bikes ... and I know my family does.

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