And we want your help in making those decisions.
The best qualifying survival-related articles and videos of 2011 as submitted to our many participating contest blogs and forums have been decided by those website administrators. Every finalist below will receive an engraved Freedom Award as pictured here. (Some of the original websites did not deliver finalists to us for various reasons.)
Our best-article finalists, in random order ...
From ModernSurvivalOnline, submitted by RobNPhx: "A Survivalist Mindset Amongst Apathy."
From Bison Survival Blog, submitted by D. Ritchey: "Threat Analysis: Bikers"
From Survivalblog, submitted by K.M.: "What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?"
From Rural Revolution, submitted by Maria S.: "Preparedness for Young People"
From Survivalmonkey, submitted by Bison Forge: "Building Better Bugout Bags"
From ModernSurvivalBlog, submitted by TripodXL: "Situational Awareness and Your Personal Protection"
From SFTFblog.com, submitted by gat31: "Growing Vertical Veggies"
From SurvivalistBoards, submitted by Mtnman Mike: "Year End Report about What Happened Last Summer on my BOL"
Our best-video finalists are ...
From Survivalmonkey.com, submitted by Falcon15: "Survival and Prepping - The Basics"
From SurvivalistBoards, submitted by ia woodsman: "PSK Survival Exercise part 1" (this video has two follow-on videos, but we are only judging part 1 for this contest).
Below, we have posted all the articles and videos so you can easily scroll down and view all the entries. We are limiting images posted here to no more than one per article. Some articles have many more images that you can see in their original posts linked above.
Thank you so much to all the contributing websites and to all the good folks who submitted entries for consideration in this contest. I think we all win as the result of having been exposed to so much survival-related wisdom and insight from all of you.
Please vote for your favorite by January 20, 2012...
We wanted to post a poll for each category to allow for you to quickly select your favorites. However, for some reason, we are being limited in our blogspot gadget admin to a maximum of 4 options per poll. So plan B ...
Please let us know which of these articles and videos are your favorite by posting a positive comment under your selections. (You can vote anonymously.) Your comment will not appear immediately, so do not keep commenting trying to view your comment. We have editorial approval set-up here to protect from spamming. We will approve all positive comments to be seen, but it might take as long as a few hours for your comment to appear.
Your comments will assist our judges in making the final prize-winning decisions.
I skimmed all of them. Hard decision. My choice is because I liked how a writer put MY personal frustrations into understandable thought words."A Survivalist Mindset Amongst Apathy." Best.
Prepardeness for Young People is excellent.
Best article
From Survivalblog, submitted by K.M.: "What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?"
Very well researched and written article! Thumbs up approval given from an E.R. M.D.!
Best vid
survival Basics
Really liked the photo explanations of the Magnitude gradients as they escalated.
This is hard for people to conceptualize, and he did a wonderful job presenting it!
I think preparedness for young people is best. What a wonderful thing for the younger generation to be thinking about preparedness. It is great to see it is not just us parent type. I wish more kids would take her lead...
Vertical veggies did the most for me!
Xa Lynn
My vote -
From Survivalblog, submitted by K.M.: "What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?"
I will vote for Falcon15's video.... He has been doing this for a long time and presents very good information...
I really like "What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?" submitted by K.M. from Survivalblog. It was well written and complete.
"What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?" is, IMHO, the best article. Very detailed and complete.
All entries are very well written and offer invaluable information. In my opinion, "Situational Awareness And Your Personal Protection," by TripodXL from ModernSurvivalBlog is the standout. Situational Awareness and Proper Mindset are the bedrock upon which any and all subsequent survival preparations are built.
I found "Prepardeness for Young People" to be a fantastic article. I too clearly remember the powerlessness of being a teen, and this article provides specific action steps teens can take to better their preparedness positions, and those of their families. It has my most supportive vote.
A lot of great reading! Every author should be proud of their work. My vote is for "What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?" By K.M. on SurvivalBlog.
tough choice, however, mine will go to Survivalist Mindset Amongst Apathy...Thanks for the article.
They are all worhty of winning. But my vote goes with "What is a Well Stocked First Aid Kit" submitted by K.M.
Each and every one is excellent.
I choose What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit... I have to make some additions to mine. ;-)
Looked at all of them - I liked "What is a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit?" best.
PSK Survival Exercise was the better of the vids.
My vote - first aid kit.
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